Best online resources for Data Science

by Barbora Fuksa Business Development Manager
23 bdfb best online resources for ds 09 2020 blog post

Understanding Data science is becoming one of the most demanded skill sets in the 21st-century job market. Data are flowing everywhere in ever-evolving magnitude. Storing them is costly, and business better finds ways how to turn them into profit. In some industries, the so-called ‘trickle-down’ effect is slowly observable, as medium-sized companies are now trying to surf the Big Data & Data Science wave and follow suit.

The reality is that without a solid scientific background and some experience with quantitative methods, the vision of becoming a good data scientist can be slightly utopian. With the term ‘Data Science’ topping buzzword charts, it was only a matter of time until smart marketers mined its potential. As a result, the internet is full of Data Science resources with various degrees of quality. Below, we have listed just a few that we use to brush up on methods & techniques, or recommend to students and enthusiasts:


Coursera – Machine Learning with Andrew Ng
With over 2 million people enrolled already, this free online course quickly became a classic amongst those trying to get into Machine Learning. Offered through Stanford University and tutored by Andrew Ng (founder of the Google Brain project)

Udemy – The Data Science Course 2019
A good starter pack for fresh-faced Data Science enthusiast. The course covers the field broadly but does not shy away from the math underlying the discussed concepts, which often the problem elsewhere. Especially cash-cow resources are trying to sell the idea that you can advance in the field without a proper understanding of the technicalities, which is shameless sugar-coating for profit.

Khan Academy
Provides good quality educational videos freely available on Youtube, which cover everything including detailed statistical nitty-gritty in a comprehensive way.

Other sources for inspiration:
Bayes theorem explained through the caveman statistician. Offers a set of more specific courses. They offer a free account, but if you want to access some of the niche materials, you need to pay.

• JT Kostman’s Advice for New data scientists

• This Quora thread:

• Jake VanderPlas: Python Data Science Handbook free online

Need help with your Data Science project? Get in touch with us for a free consultation.

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