
data management trends for 2020

Tips for your Data Management and Analytics strategy in 2020

by Barbora Fuksa, Business Development Manager

Are you working in the domains of data management and data analytics? Here are some strategical steps that you should include in your vision for 2020 and beyond: Make Machine Learning explainable Yes, we get it. Machine learning algorithms, neural networks, data science – these are all domains of individuals, who are highly intelligent.

3 other vs of big data

The alternative Vs of Big Data

by Lukáš Dvořák, Business Development Manager

Since Big Data technologies are becoming a common part of corporate infrastructures, IT departments are dealing with challenges concerning a successful adoption. However, the focus is frequently turning away from its essential purpose – responding to business needs effectively. This article offers an alternative way of looking at Big Data precisely from this perspective. …

next hub for artificial intelligence

5 Reasons Why Prague Is the Next AI Hub

by Barbora Fuksa, Business Development Manager

Prague is already recognized amongst important technological centres of the CEE region, and that is just the starting line.

dsaas in banking and finance

How Data Science as a Service (DSaaS) can help your business thrive

by Barbora Fuksa, Business Development Manager

Can DSaaS help to solve the shortage of data scientists? Set up optimal collaboration models and pay less for a quality data science.

book review data science

Book Review: ‘Fundamentals of Data Visualization‘ by Claus O. Wilke

by Dominik Matula, Data Scientist

A whole book about graphs and flashy colours? I am a data scientist (programmer, statistician ...), why should I bother?

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A flexible no-code decision engine platform leveraging machine learning reduced loan processing time and costs while doubling up the number of requests monthly.
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